Check out Tigerlily - the Brindle bay Blue Grass bandit, and also this little Part Bred Arab in The Pinto Gallery.

CLICK HERE to see Tigerlily

CLICK HERE to see the Part Bred Arab

I've had many offers on Tigerlily already, but yes they are both going up for sale. So check out the Sales pages for updates!


I've added a few new tack pieces to the gallery, such as my BEADED BOSALS! Click Here to see the Bosal bridle Gallery.
Right now, I'm adding tack to the "Tack Sales Page" and also, Custom horses to the "Sales Page", be sure to check them out!
I'm in need of money for the "Grail" fund, and a new Arabian resin release has tickled my fancy... So lots of horses are going up for sale!


Well, I've been working on this for a LONG time, and this website is finally getting there!
Hope you enjoy browsing around the pages I've created so far.


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